korbhealth.com | Get Sleep Now

Get Sleep Now

A man sleeping in bed.

Up to 50% of people experience sleep deprivation

Falling asleep and staying asleep is essential for a healthy body, mind and lifestyle. Doesn’t better sleep sound dreamy? Our Get Sleep Now Program offers a range of therapies and prescription medications to get you back to your ZZZ’s and a fresh start to every day.

Here’s how it Works

Stop fighting sleep and drift off to dreamland


Meet your dedicated medical professional via Telehealth


Receive your program plan 
and get medication 
delivered to your home within a week


Start falling into restful, rejuvenating sleep

Your Journey to Restful Sleep Begins here


Get ready to snooze

You’ll meet with your medical professional who will listen to your sleep goals and create a custom care plan to improve your rest. You’ll receive your Get Sleep Now Program plan immediately, and your prescription will arrive at your home within a week.

Month 2

Sweet dreams are your new reality

By now, your sleep quality should be greatly improved, leading to more energy, a clearer mind, and a more vibrant life. You’ll check back in with your medical professional to review your first 30 day results and any program adjustments. You’ll then receive a 3 month supply of your prescription at your home within a week.

Month 5 & Beyond

A good night's sleep, every night

Your improved sleep is a game changer - you look well-rested and are feeling energetic and vivacious. Now it’s all about maintenance. You’ll continue to check in every 3 months with your medical professional to fine tune your program.

A woman waking up and stretching after a night sleep.

PROGRAM Benefits

Medically driven sleep health results
Decreased anxiety
Better mental function
Tension relief
Pain relief
Stress relief
Increased energy
Improved mood
Healthier heart
Strengthened immune system

Here’s what’s included in the Get Sleep Now Program

Monthly telehealth visits with a dedicated medical professional
Prescription medications
Diet guidance
Fitness plans
Sleep health coaching
Dedicated Program Coordinator to guide your journey to better sleep
Older couples sleeping in a blue bed.
An image of a woman wearing a hat and smiling.
“...changed my life”

Improved sleep has changed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. I’m more driven, my head is clearer, and my body is feeling healthier every day.

LaVar Veale, San Antonio, TX


plans customized just for you

Starts at
/ mo*

Baseline monthly program fee. May change based on your customized program plan and prescription regimen.

Telehealth visits with a dedicated medical professional
Program plan
Wellness coaching
Prescribed sleep medications
Shipping and supplies
Photo of a man on a laptop

Available Prescription Medications

An as-needed sleep aid, with few side effects. Can be taken several times a day if needed. Can help you fall asleep or get back to sleep if you wake during the night. Safe and not habit forming.
Used to decrease nightly awakening and improve feelings about sleep quality. Taken nightly.
also used to treat depression
An anti-depressant medication also used for sleep. It is taken nightly, safe and non-habit forming. Also used for mental balance and can help with pain.
Photo of a fast man asleep in a comfy bed